The newest addition is a kitten who decided to follow us on a walk. It has been a neighborhood stray for a few days and unless anyone claims the kitten it is ours. Everyone is a bit uncertain on the sex, but the general opinion is that the kitten is a girl. I was promised a cat 5 years ago from my husband, but due to living conditions we couldn't have one. We aren't supposed to have cats here either, but the cat will be an outside/garage cat. I've been jealous of all of Tat-land's cats for a while, but now I can say that this Kat has a cat! A few pictures for your enjoyment. As you can see my daughter, known as the Kitten, loves Snowflake the kitten.
I've been trying to tat up some Christmas gifts before baby arrives. I have all of my 3-D ornaments tatted, but I still need to stiffen and shape them. I'll post pictures of all them when I get them complete.
I decided to transform Krystle's Spanish Dancer earrings into necklaces since most people I know don't wear earrings quite that large. Here are some of the ones that I have completed. The colors are all Lizbeth (Caribbean, Wild Flower Garden, Spring Garden, Autumn Spice, Leafy Green, and Autumn Spice).
I had a request to tat something to wear on the big headbands for a baby girl. This is what I came up with. It is one of Jane E's patterns modified to work with a really big button. I put a quarter in the center to give you an idea of how large the button is. The thread is Lizbeth size 10 Juicy Watermelon. The requester really likes it. I'm personally not a fan of the big flowers on babies, but I'm glad that it is appreciated.