This first is the first round of a wreath designed by Laura Bobay and found at Tat-man's site. I made 3 of these for the neighbors. I was excited to find that one neighbor's mom used to tat and was able to see some of her mom's tatting. She thought that tatting was a lost art! This is tatted in Lizbeth 20 leaf green medium. The beads are clear and all that I had. I wish that I would have had red beads, but the only beads are found at least 2 hours from me. Next time I get near a craft store I sense some red beads getting sold to me.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas tatting (10, 11, 12, and 13/25)
Here is some of my tatted Christmas gifts. Hopefully the recipients enjoy them. I like to make gifts especially for the person and pick colors that I think they would enjoy.
This first is the first round of a wreath designed by Laura Bobay and found at Tat-man's site. I made 3 of these for the neighbors. I was excited to find that one neighbor's mom used to tat and was able to see some of her mom's tatting. She thought that tatting was a lost art! This is tatted in Lizbeth 20 leaf green medium. The beads are clear and all that I had. I wish that I would have had red beads, but the only beads are found at least 2 hours from me. Next time I get near a craft store I sense some red beads getting sold to me.
These are what are going in my Christmas cards this year which will be send out next year. They are tatted in Lizbeth size 20 Christmas delight. The pattern is by Birgit Phelps.
These are the Easy Tatted Cross posted at In-Tatters by xstchntat. Thanks for posting this xstchntat. For some reason I had a rough time on the first one, but they tatted up extra quick after that. There are a few more to be tatted as well. The colors (in clockwise order) are Autumn Spice, Leafy Green, Spring Garden, Caribbean, Tropical Punch.
And last but not least are some necklace pendants. These are the ones that I found on Pieknits blog. The non-black ones are size 20 Lizbeth Vineyard Harvest and size 40 Lizbeth Turquoise Twist.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
This first is the first round of a wreath designed by Laura Bobay and found at Tat-man's site. I made 3 of these for the neighbors. I was excited to find that one neighbor's mom used to tat and was able to see some of her mom's tatting. She thought that tatting was a lost art! This is tatted in Lizbeth 20 leaf green medium. The beads are clear and all that I had. I wish that I would have had red beads, but the only beads are found at least 2 hours from me. Next time I get near a craft store I sense some red beads getting sold to me.
the purpose for the "b"
Ignore the bad sewing on this. I can really sew better than this, but wanted to make the book completely "edible" for a child. I sewed the tatting to the fabric and it didn't work so well. What fabric glue have you used that works to attach tatting to fabric? The middle pages also are sewed with the diaper wipe plastic cover inside (it make the fabric slip as well) so that the pages make noise. Hopefully the child like the texture and color book. I made use of stuff that I had and one pair of childrens jeans that I bought for a grand 75 cents!!

Monday, December 20, 2010
little b and friends..(6, 7, 8, and 9/25)
"Big B, little B, what begins with b?" Anyone know what that is from? If so, I'm guessing that you are around children under the age of 4! That is from a Dr. Seuss book. I gave up on my big B for a little bit, but couldn't get the idea out of my head. I was looking at one of my trials for the big one and came up with a little b. It isn't the best, but will serve its purpose. I'll work on fixing it up and the big one at a later time. Right now there is just too much to do. This is Lizbeth size 20 color Navy blue.

I also needed an A. I decided to stick with the old standby rather than create a little A. This is done in Lizbeth size 20 harvest orange medium (a Christmas present for me)

This bunny is from Mark Myers. I need to get the right ribbon for his neck. I think that he is so cute and will serve the purpose perfectly. I'll show you the purpose after it is finished (hopefully soon since it needs to be finished for Christmas), but here is a hint it starts with a "b". This is tatting in Lizbeth size 20 white.

And I needed something with an "a", again thanks to Mark Myers for the apple. This is done in Lizbeth size 20 leaf green medium and Christmas red.
A special thank you to tatters who post patterns. I greatly appreciate you sharing them.

I also needed an A. I decided to stick with the old standby rather than create a little A. This is done in Lizbeth size 20 harvest orange medium (a Christmas present for me)

This bunny is from Mark Myers. I need to get the right ribbon for his neck. I think that he is so cute and will serve the purpose perfectly. I'll show you the purpose after it is finished (hopefully soon since it needs to be finished for Christmas), but here is a hint it starts with a "b". This is tatting in Lizbeth size 20 white.

And I needed something with an "a", again thanks to Mark Myers for the apple. This is done in Lizbeth size 20 leaf green medium and Christmas red.

Friday, December 10, 2010
Bothersome Bs (4 and 5/25)

I had this marvelous idea and right now nothing is working. Lest you get concerned when you view the picture....I am NOT tatting another last name....repeat NOT tatting another last name. I might be called upon to tat initials or a last name of 3 letters or less sometime in the distance future.
I am trying to make a texture and color book for a baby. I wanted to put the first initial of the child, a B, in the book. But my Bs aren't looking right. I tried to come up with a variate of the letter that I tatted before, but it looked like a D with a line in it. Then I found letters from Gillian Buchanan. Her B looked great, but mine looks like an 8 (I did drop off the extra picot since it is for a boy--I thought that it would be more boyish). I would like to figure out how to alter the block B since a lot of people I know have a last name starting with a B, but that will have to wait. Any ideas? I'm posting this mostly for my own memory so that I can alter it in the future. I think that for now I'm going to tat some animals for the book instead.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Christmas exchange pictures (3/25)
Here are my goodies from the Christmas tatting exchange on the Tatting Forum. I'm so glad that I checked back in just in time to sign up for the exchange. I'm just like a little kid and opened it (with the kitten's help....boy did she love all of the items....I hope that you all made it into the picture). I received all of these great ideas from vividmana. I wonderful bookmark and something to put on a necklace, some thread (colors that I don't have :) ), paper-clips that I'm thinking about making into some ice skates that I saw on Sharon's blog, beads, and containers. I'm especially excited about the E-zbob. I'm been on the lookout for one and am excited to give it a try. Thanks vividmana!!
I can finally show the tatting that I sent to my partner now that she has received and opened her package. It is Jon's Merriment Doily. Thanks for the pattern Jon. It is tatting in Lizbeth Christmas Delight size 20. It is worked on the ball and I love how it is very periodic with the thread coloring.

Monday, November 29, 2010
Can you put tatting inside a glass ball? (2/25)
So here is the tatted last name almost finished!! It was done in Lizbeth size 20 and is mocha brown light and medium. It sat around for a week before I finally finished it. I'll try and post pictures of the finished product when I get a chance. All done finally. Hope the bride and groom like it.

This is a gift from our neighbor for the kitten. A wooden top made out of scraps. She can't get it to spin herself yet, but loves for us to get it going.

I have a question that you might see posted on other forums as well. I've seen many people put tatting around glass balls for Christmas trees, but has anyone tried to put tatting inside a glass ball? I would like to do some glass balls for Christmas ornaments, but got too late of a start for tatting around them. Someone gave me the idea of putting them inside hanging from a string at the top. I think that the tatting will need to be stiffened, but them how do you get it inside the opening of the ball? This is like trying to get a boat in a bottle. Any thoughts are appreciated!!
This is a gift from our neighbor for the kitten. A wooden top made out of scraps. She can't get it to spin herself yet, but loves for us to get it going.
I have a question that you might see posted on other forums as well. I've seen many people put tatting around glass balls for Christmas trees, but has anyone tried to put tatting inside a glass ball? I would like to do some glass balls for Christmas ornaments, but got too late of a start for tatting around them. Someone gave me the idea of putting them inside hanging from a string at the top. I think that the tatting will need to be stiffened, but them how do you get it inside the opening of the ball? This is like trying to get a boat in a bottle. Any thoughts are appreciated!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Thursday!! (1/25)
Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Thursday to you--whichever fits you. I decided to take a break from the letter edging--which is almost done by the way--to make something to wear for Thanksgiving. I'm not a big jewelry person, but thought that I would try a necklace again since it has been so long since I've worn one. The patterns is one from pieknits's blog. I'm thinking about trying a few modifications and maybe making some for Christmas gifts. 
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Letters are done now for the edging... (0/25)
The letters are finished!! This is the new last name of a couple getting married soon--the kitten is going to be the flower girl. It was supposed to be ready for a shower this weekend, but this is the picture that got mailed to the shower instead.
Now to work on the edging--the edging will be my first motif for my next 25. I actually have the whole bottom of the edging finished. It is a pain to keep everything from getting all tangled into a ball.
I've been seeing some cro-tatting and it has me curious--if you are also curious check
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm back (25/25)
Not too much tatting has been occurring. We are moved and slowly getting everything settled. Trying to move a family and a consulting business with deadlines occurring while you are moving is not the best of ideas :) The kitten loved the ramp on the moving truck. I think that she is ready to move again, but I'm certainly not.
Due to the move, I missed out on signing up for the InTatter's exchange, but I was glad to find out that I made the deadline for the Tatting Forum exchange. Now to figure out where the craft stores are here!!
While preparing for the move I tatted Agasunset's lace panties to give as a gift since I could remember the pattern and didn't have to concentrate too hard. It was easy to tat, but a lot of end to hide. Make sure and check out her blog if you haven't--she has a beautiful ring to give away.
I also found this to house my tatting. I really like it because it is very portable and the kitten doesn't know how to open it yet.

If all goes well, I will have some finished letters to show you soon and get your opinion. It was supposed to be ready for a bridal shower in a week, but I'm going to send a picture of what I have finished.
I have finished my 25 motifs and plan to continue with 25 more!!
Due to the move, I missed out on signing up for the InTatter's exchange, but I was glad to find out that I made the deadline for the Tatting Forum exchange. Now to figure out where the craft stores are here!!
While preparing for the move I tatted Agasunset's lace panties to give as a gift since I could remember the pattern and didn't have to concentrate too hard. It was easy to tat, but a lot of end to hide. Make sure and check out her blog if you haven't--she has a beautiful ring to give away.
I also found this to house my tatting. I really like it because it is very portable and the kitten doesn't know how to open it yet.
If all goes well, I will have some finished letters to show you soon and get your opinion. It was supposed to be ready for a bridal shower in a week, but I'm going to send a picture of what I have finished.
I have finished my 25 motifs and plan to continue with 25 more!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I accidentally packed my tatting needles!!!!
This is probably the last post until sometime after moving, but I just had to share with people who could sympathize. I thought that I was being so careful to pack things to tat with, but I accidentally packed my tatting needles!!! I kept out thread, but packed the needle by accident.
Friday, October 1, 2010
give me a c..(24/25)

So what do you think, does the C need pieces coming down (hopefully you can figure out what I mean)? They letters really need to be blocked, but that is for after the move!
I have a bit more tatting to post. It might or might not happen until after the move. We will be moving 1000 miles next weekend so life is a bit crazy. It should be rather eventful since the kitten doesn't like the car for longer than 2 hours.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
only 10 more.....

Here is the current Patchwork by Mary Konior--done in size 20 Lizbeth white. Six done and only 10 more. It will probably have to wait until after the move. I have a bit more tatting that I've been doing in my free time that hopefully I will show you soon.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
"A" is for ........(22/25)

I'm trying to tat a last name as a wedding gift--there last name is only 4 letters :) But I'm not sure that I like the 2 colors together in this. The colors are Lizbeth's mocha light and medium. I'm trying to make it as neutral as possible so that the couple can change the matted color if need be. Any suggestions? Oh and you can find the pattern on Il Chiacchierino Edda Guastalla Bianchetti.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The kitten's skirt (21/25)
Well the edging is finally finished for the kitten's skirt. Now if I can only figure out how I want to attach it. I get these great ideas, but forget about the small details. I don't really want to try and hand sew through denim--especially the really thick hem line. I'm thinking about machine sewing the edging along the yellow/orange hem line. I've read somewhere that it is nice to sew down the bottom of the lace as well for washing purposes so we will see what I can come up with for that. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
in need of some color (20/25)

I'm taking a break from the white Piecework mat because I'm was in need of some color!! I got some new colors of Lizbeth and needed to try them out. So I tatted up Brigit Phelps's sweetheart. The left is Turquoise Twist in size 40 and the right one is Berry Bust in size 20.
The heat left for a few days, but it back now. May snow come soon!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
May the heat stop soon (more 18/25)
This one is mine!! (19/25)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I can count to 4 (17 and the start of 18/25)
I love how easy the Spinning Wheel pattern is to memorize. I just needed to count to 4. This could also be titled: tatting at 2am. I had to be up anyway, so I was tatting at 2am. Don't ask :) Here is the finished Spinning Wheel (well the ends still need to be hidden and it needs to be blocked--but the fun part is finished) in size 20 Lizbeth Country Turquoise Med. I really enjoyed tatting this and would love to make it bigger without adding fabric in the middle. Have you seen anyone try this by just extending the rows by a few rings? I think that I might try variegated for the next one.

This is Patchwork done in boring white. It is a Christmas gift and the person will really like it but only in white. I'm thinking about making it 4 motif by 4 motif for a something to put on a small side table. This could take a while!

This is Patchwork done in boring white. It is a Christmas gift and the person will really like it but only in white. I'm thinking about making it 4 motif by 4 motif for a something to put on a small side table. This could take a while!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
catching up (15 and 16/5)
This is Yarn Player's Eternal Cross tatted in Lizbeth Purple Splendor and white. I'm not sure if it because this was needle tatted or if it is the white thread, but the cross is "soft". I don't believe that it would be able to be worn as a pendant and hold its shape. I wasn't impressed with this white Lizbeth.

This is Jane Eborall's Mini button flower made into a hair bow for the kitten. If you look closely you can see some of the kitten's hair from when she pulled it out. It did look ever so lovely for 1 hour though! The button was bigger than the suggested size so the white outer layer has a few extra rings and chains to accommodate this. I am going to need to find a better way to attach this to the barrette. Currently it is sewn own with quilting thread, but with the wear it received in just a few hours it is already coming off....and I don't want to use GLUE!!
Last if a work in progress, I needed something to do during the family get together since I don't sit around too well. So I decided to tat an edging for skirt for the kitten for next summer. I bought the skirt for a quarter so you can't beat the price. The edging to done is size 10 so that it will not take forever. The edging is Mary Konior's babylace. Don't look too closely because there are a few missing joins--it is hard to concentrate when there are lots of people. This was taken a few days ago. Currently I have enough for about 1/2 way around the skirt.

I also have another projects started, but that will have to wait until enough day.
This is Jane Eborall's Mini button flower made into a hair bow for the kitten. If you look closely you can see some of the kitten's hair from when she pulled it out. It did look ever so lovely for 1 hour though! The button was bigger than the suggested size so the white outer layer has a few extra rings and chains to accommodate this. I am going to need to find a better way to attach this to the barrette. Currently it is sewn own with quilting thread, but with the wear it received in just a few hours it is already coming off....and I don't want to use GLUE!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Finished (12/25)
These are the reason why I haven't had as much time to tat. There are 3 more that didn't make the picture. Juggling balls!! We decided to learn how to juggle. Tom-Kat is great, but I haven't quite mastered it yet. Hopefully soon. The kitten loves to "juggle" like mom--that is throw the balls everywhere.
The bracelet is finally finished. My wrist is really small, so it is way too big for me. I would need to take one of the flowers out for it to work for me. Just so I can remember, the bracelet is about 9 inches long. I'm going to wear it just the same this weekend at a function and will probably give it to the first person who likes it and has a bigger wrist :) Thanks so much to Jane Eborall for the button flower pattern. I think that I will be making more of these!
The Scarlett Letter (14/25)
Here is a letter "A" tatted from the alphabet shown here . Much thanks to the tatters at InTatters for help finding the tatter again. I love looking for patterns on the internet, but sometimes it is hard re-finding them :)
It is tatted in size 20 Victorian Red of Lizbeth. I just grabbed the nearest thread when I started and realized part way through that I was tatting the scarlet letter!! It isn't perfect with a join off at the top and it probably needs to be blocked some (I still need to get a blocking board). I just started tatting without thinking on this one. I should have saved some thread when my needle thread ran out, but instead I had to wind some thread off mid-way during tatting. I need to get some of those Ez-bobs and just wind some of all of my thread on them. Are there any physical stores that sell these or is the shipping cheap since they are light?
The letter is about 3.75 inches tall by 2.5 inches wide. I want to tat someones last name for a wedding gift and this would be a bit large to frame. I wonder what the size would be if I tatted it in 30 or 40. Any ideas?
It is tatted in size 20 Victorian Red of Lizbeth. I just grabbed the nearest thread when I started and realized part way through that I was tatting the scarlet letter!! It isn't perfect with a join off at the top and it probably needs to be blocked some (I still need to get a blocking board). I just started tatting without thinking on this one. I should have saved some thread when my needle thread ran out, but instead I had to wind some thread off mid-way during tatting. I need to get some of those Ez-bobs and just wind some of all of my thread on them. Are there any physical stores that sell these or is the shipping cheap since they are light?
The letter is about 3.75 inches tall by 2.5 inches wide. I want to tat someones last name for a wedding gift and this would be a bit large to frame. I wonder what the size would be if I tatted it in 30 or 40. Any ideas?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Patchwork (13/25)
There is a new winner of the opinion quiz giveaway! Congratulations Beelizabeth!!
This is Patchwork from "Tatting with Visual Pattern" by Mary Konior tatted in Lizbeth size 20 Country Turquoise Med. I didn't realize until I finished that I had messed up at the very beginning. Oh well, it was fun to tat although I kept having to untat because I messed up my counting. I will be trying this again in the future.
This is Patchwork from "Tatting with Visual Pattern" by Mary Konior tatted in Lizbeth size 20 Country Turquoise Med. I didn't realize until I finished that I had messed up at the very beginning. Oh well, it was fun to tat although I kept having to untat because I messed up my counting. I will be trying this again in the future.

Monday, June 21, 2010
Aha!! (11.75/25)
I figured out Jane's lock join. I just needed to figure out what "outside" meant! When I figured it out I said "Aha" just like Winnie the Pooh (see "In which Kanga and baby Roo come to the forest, and Piglet has a bath" from the Pooh Bear books. If you haven't hear or read them in a while it is worth laughing at again).
So I started with one and used black so that I could clearly see a difference in the threads, but then I wondered what it would look like with 2 joined together. And then I wondered what it would look like with more. Before I new it there were 5 together :) Now is it just waiting for me to buy a clasp and figure out how to finish the bracelet. Not quite my color scheme, but I still love the idea and I think I know the perfect person to give this to. Since it isn't finished I'm counting this as my 11.75 th motif :) Hopefully I can finish it soon and post the finished product.

Any advice for hiding ends with black thread? It is so hard to see. I guess the benefit is that no one can see if it isn't perfect, but boy is it hard.
So I started with one and used black so that I could clearly see a difference in the threads, but then I wondered what it would look like with 2 joined together. And then I wondered what it would look like with more. Before I new it there were 5 together :) Now is it just waiting for me to buy a clasp and figure out how to finish the bracelet. Not quite my color scheme, but I still love the idea and I think I know the perfect person to give this to. Since it isn't finished I'm counting this as my 11.75 th motif :) Hopefully I can finish it soon and post the finished product.
Any advice for hiding ends with black thread? It is so hard to see. I guess the benefit is that no one can see if it isn't perfect, but boy is it hard.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Socks, socks, socks (9, 10, 11/25)
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